
HoliTOMoli offers homeschool families support tailored to the individual student’s needs. Email Margo Moriarty for more information HoliTOMoli@gmail.com

  • Small Group Tutoring Based on Students Individual Needs

  • Music & Dance

  • Daily Yoga & Meditation

  • Whole Foods

  • Nature Based Indoor/Outdoor Fun


  • Spanish and Immersion

  • Literacy Program

  • Organic Gardening

Children are constantly learning through everyday experiences and they are constructing their knowledge and understanding of the world.  It is important to be conscious of the whole learning environment such as time, utilizing classroom space, resources, and ideas.  Alternative learning options allow students to develop life skills. The diverse learners are provided a safe space to attain social skills to be a successful part of a group setting. The foundation of our curriculum is to teach children everyday morals such as respect for themselves and others, resolving conflict, decision-making, and maintaining healthy relationships.  To attain this goal we have several major components to our curriculum, which are listed below.


  • To develop the child as a whole.

  • To provide a positive sense of identity and emotional well-being

  • To develop age-appropriate social, physical, language and literacy skills

  • To encourage thinking, reasoning, questioning and experimentation

  • To provide exposure to the arts and encourage creative expression

  • To demonstrate proper health, safety and nutritional practices

  • To respect individuals based on their personal merit


  • Children are unique, there is no one size fits all learning approach. We embrace our individuality.

  • Children learn best by a “hands-on” approach that is diverse in activity and purpose.

  • Children need exposure to the beauty of the natural world in order to understand their place in the world.

  • Children need exposure to gardening, the arts, and music in order for creativity to flourish.

  • Each family is unique and we celebrate cultural differences.

  • Learning can take place in many different forms and in many different settings.

  • Children learn what they live therefore we aim to be a good role model for children at all times

  • Children need community and life experience.